Friday, March 5, 2010

Health today, gone tomorrow

I bought the March issue of the Men’s Health (India Edition) today in spite of swearing to myself of never buying it again when they raised its prices to Rs.100 for an issue from Rs.75 (Rs.50 was the original price six months before that). Have been waiting for GQ to come to my door step (which I subscribed last month), it’s been 5 days since the month began but there’s been no trace of my first issue. So I thought maybe this one could give me company for some time.

I was so disgusted with MH that I once again decided never to buy it again. There were advertisements of various dubious organizations claiming they have the answer, a “Non-surgical hair growth”, at every alternate page, telling us how they’re the best, showing the before and after pictures. And to my surprise, and disgust, the ads started even before the index of the magazine showed up.

Now, I’ve been reading and researching (google'ing to be precise) through various ways of hair re-growth for sometime now, since unfortunately, I’m one of the victims of hereditary hair loss and I have the chance of losing it too if I do not act now. I’ve been over and over these claims of preventing, and in some cases, regrowing the hair by the use of chemicals like Minoxidil, Saw Palmetto and the latest technology to thug people even further, the advanced laser comb(which I’ve heard hurts really bad). Not many know that none of the aforementioned ways work, and most of them are not even FDA approved. But, we still fall for such claims, well, what can we do when they target us showing our vulnerability can actually be covered with thick, shiny, healthy hair.

I’m nobody to shower you with advice, or claim how other methods helped me so far, but have we reaped the benefits of yoga and a good diet? Haven’t we already harmed our bodies enough by filling ourselves up with chemicals (thanks to Industrialization and de-forestation) that we further need to harm our body with expensive, painful techniques and procedures?!

Therefore, this is me, taking a pledge that I’d never buy another health magazine that depresses me further of not having a head full of thick, healthy, shiny hair like the cover model boasts of. As if using words like fat and ugly, or anorexic and too lean etc. to describe our beautiful bodies wasn't enough.

PS: Anybody complaining of overtly muscular men persuading you to buy protein shakes at every other page of another magazine?


Yogesh said...

Trust me. You can do nothing. It will happen anyway. Sigh, God is cruel.

Sid said...

hehe.. God isn't cruel, we are. Think about it. :)