Tuesday, January 11, 2011

OMG Fact of the Day!

With THAT, I am not sure where advertising is reaching these days! I mean, it definitely looks promising for the futuristic man whose life revolves around his gadgets and spends more quality potty time on Stuff Magazine, but my question is, how much is too much??

Some of us are anyway tired of too much advertising in our lives already (I remember posters of the bollywood movies, Jhoom Barabar Jhoom and Tashan everywhere and its promos every 4 seconds on TV, radio et al, both miserably failing at the box-office), what's next, some jingle being played every time we flush our toilets?

It definitely is flashy for any multiplex to have such advancements being made, but I for one would like some time off for myself when I am attending to the nature's call, there's a reason why they named it that!!

Friday, October 15, 2010

I quit my Job

Yes, I finally took the plunge, I know I have no safety net to save me from this fall, but I think I'm saving myself another year of "Chalta hai, paise to aa rahe hain na" attitude (I'm fine, as long as I earn a decent income)!

It has been a task every day to wake up in the morning, get dressed and go do the same things over and over again which I do not enjoy, not to forget the fake laughter, and pretending to care for the job or the people around! I'm 23 (24 next month) and I do not know what I want to do in life. My work place is like this comfortable area where I have found good friends, excellent former boss and a decent salary and I could live like this forever without ever having to think of doing something that I would rather be passionate about.

So one morning, I decided it was time to put an end to it all. And because I cannot think of a change in life if I keep doing the same things, this is me, jumping!

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Monogamy: A myth!?

Monogamy n. the system of being married to only one person at a time.

A facebook comment from a friend made me think, what is it about monogamy that we all want from our partners but do not wish to practice ourselves? Some of you may not agree with me and think to yourself that you wish to/would practice and in return receive monogamy with that right person. But the truth is, it takes two to tango, and c’mon, how many times have we not been in a situation where we have been tempted to look at and crave for that hot passer-by even when we were happily committed to someone!!

According to a study by Sean Collinson, 60% men and about 52% women cheat on their partners and a whopping 74% men and 68% women say they would have an affair if they knew they would never get caught. Now, going by the definition from the dictionary above, is it alright to be married to only one person and have numerous sexual partners outside, does that still enable us to term ourselves monogamous? And here, our modern day dictionary added another line to the meaning - The practice or condition of having a single sexual partner during a period of time. So, the question arises here is, can I be sexually monogamous to my partner ‘during a period of time’ and be emotionally/mentally dependent on someone else, do I still get to term myself monogamous? What about sharing all our joys and sorrows with the one we love?? I'd never want my partner to seek any support outside when I'm there to provide for it. And even if we are completely monogamous to our partners, how long will this go on do you think,realistically?

Again, ignoring all my negative comments above against the widely accepted way of living and rather having chosen to remain faithful to our relationship which society feels is the right way of living, are we happy? I mean, isn’t choosing that path supposed to work for our best and make us content/happy(overall), so are we happy of having chosen to live that way?

I think that maybe it is time we get a bit more realistic in our perspective and embrace the fact that monogamy doesn't exist (barring a very few exceptional, short lived romances and my-friend's-friend stories) and that we can stop living the lie. Or maybe, since I am not a believer of the concept of an open relationship, could it be the best way to put an end to this discussion by declaring that we will not take the society’s one-size-fits-all approach and whatever it is that we choose or amend over time, we bring transparency and communication in our relationships. Because at the end, all that matters is how we make it work, isn't it?

Friday, April 9, 2010

Forever young, I wanna be!

Going to work on a Friday morning with the entire weekend ahead of you is a feeling of sheer joy that I’m sure I share with many working professionals. But today, listening to college going kids on route, making plans on catching up for a movie, on a Friday morning brought me down from the cloud called bliss, back to my own pathetic life!

It all started with my father pushing me into Bachelors in Accounting & Finance after my school, something I wasn’t interested in, but did it anyway as there was nothing I thought at that time was good for me, and that graduation is such a big deal these days to get your ass to any job that pays you well. Now.. I do not enjoy my job at a bank (even if it includes calling up other banks located in fashionable destinations like Paris or London, “Bonjour, ceci est Siddharth de JP Morgan”) and do not know what I want from life.

Well, honestly, the more I heard those kids make plans about “catching up” for a movie on a Friday morning and go with the flow for the rest of the day with no plans in mind, the more it made me want to go back to my own college days; rewind to exactly what it used to be a year ago, when I only studied a month before the exams and had the whole world’s time to myself, go for movies, window shop, check out the new store/eatery that opened up somewhere, go to the gym, download porn (when others would be busy working) with no traffic blocking the speed of my broadband. Thats when a sudden realization hit me, stronger than the rumor that Lady Gaga had a penis – that I never wanted to grow up and take responsibility of my own self and that I love eating on my dad’s money.

Suddenly, everything started to make sense as to why I’ve been cribbing about my perfect job, or my occasional desire to marry an old fart(ress), poison her, acquire all her wealth and live happily ever after!

Jokes apart, I know one thing for sure, when you’re too spoilt with choices, you don’t end up choosing the best one for yourself! And as Dave Barry had said (and Davey Wavey agrees), “You can only be young once, but you can always be immature”, I suppose its time for me to choose the best for me right now, while I’m young, so I do not end up being the old fart no one wants to marry, not even for the money!!

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Mini Blog update!!

It all started with getting the heavy duty travel bags down from the cup-board high up in my room as Bubu was going on his international travel, and I thought my bags were perfectly suited for the wear and tear (unlike his bags which I've not seen, but I'm sure won't be good).

So while cleaning the dirt off them, all of a sudden my hand reached inside the zip pocket of one bag and found a sealed item wrapped tidily in a plastic bag!! And in a dramatic screech, I discovered my $52 Armani underwear which I'd bought at the last minute in New York and never wore it. I'd thought I had lost it during my 'throwing all the unwanted stuff' spree while coming back as my check-in baggage was over-weight by 20lbs then.

I feel like a proud mother now, having found her child after the long years of separation!!


Saturday, March 27, 2010

"I'm gonna break break your heart"

Listening to this song (picked it up from Billboard.com, currently 5th position as on 03April2010) made me groove to it at first.
Finally, when the lyrics set into my brains, I couldn't help but wonder, how easy would it have been had our old girlfriends/boyfriends, who we left behind, would have made it clear to us at the beginning, in simple words like the song does, that they would eventually hurt us.
That they do not believe that monogamy fits them in any size, or that they can't give enough time into this, or that they would change their minds in the next 2 years, or that they would beat the sh*t out of us for any wrong move, or (in my case) would leave us in the middle of the party for someone else.

Imagine all the heartbreaks, the wandering around the streets in pain all by yourself, your shrink's expensive appointments, the long waiting for your turn at the dermatologist's to peel the past off your face.. imagine all of that not being there in life. Instead, enjoying all the other things that you had given up on for the relationship to work. Wouldn't that be just perfect?

If you fall for me,
I'm not easy to please
I might tear you apart
Told you from the start, baby, from the start,

That I'm only gonna break break your break break your heart....

PS: Do not forget to turn off your lights today between 8:30pm to 9:30pm, IPL or American Idol could wait!!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Passion of the Mortal

We all grow up with an aim, something that we see ourselves having achieved at a particular age in our lives. I for one, never thought in that direction. Instead, I did whatever I found was easy, or what others thought was good for me. And now, I've earned myself a place where I'm no more enjoying my choices and want to break free from all of it at once.

So one day I sat thinking to myself, where could my passion lie? Something that I could transform to earn a daily living rather than do a job that does not interest me.

I think, the universe has provided us with so many options/possibilities, one mortal like me cant be blamed for being so confused about which route to choose. And after taking a few free career assessment tests online (which only left me more confused), I decided to make a list of all the things that appeal to me.
Here is the copy of how it more or less looked like..

[Where does my interest lie]

• I love to write!! (though not all the time)
• I’d want to design buildings, or design the city’s sky line!!
• Try to improve my blog
-> with ideas like (currently) make videos, write what no one writes but would always think of or do
Design –> Interiors, how things look good together.
• Read (not really so much) -> don’t see myself as an editor-in-chief.
• Watch TV – Cookery shows, travel, self help, mega structures
• Do I like Ryan Seacrest’s job at E! ?
• Travel the world, see new cultures, architecture (modern as well as ancient)
• Love correcting people.
-> On pronunciation, clothing ("you look a bit fat in this”)
• Try different cuisines [no non-veg, not even eggs]

And the list goes on!

So, what’s your passion?

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Love, Dove, Glove

To love and be loved, is the greatest gift of all. But how much are you willing to give up for that?

Someone wise once compared love to a man in a sinking ship. He struggles hard to keep it afloat. So he begins throwing things out. Knick knacks, important deals/assignments, memorabilia, gifts. Then goes money, jobs, and when that’s still not enough, family, friends.. people!! Next, self-respect, ego, image. Still nothing helps.

So of all the things mentioned above, what really is the greatest gift?

Friday, March 5, 2010

Health today, gone tomorrow

I bought the March issue of the Men’s Health (India Edition) today in spite of swearing to myself of never buying it again when they raised its prices to Rs.100 for an issue from Rs.75 (Rs.50 was the original price six months before that). Have been waiting for GQ to come to my door step (which I subscribed last month), it’s been 5 days since the month began but there’s been no trace of my first issue. So I thought maybe this one could give me company for some time.

I was so disgusted with MH that I once again decided never to buy it again. There were advertisements of various dubious organizations claiming they have the answer, a “Non-surgical hair growth”, at every alternate page, telling us how they’re the best, showing the before and after pictures. And to my surprise, and disgust, the ads started even before the index of the magazine showed up.

Now, I’ve been reading and researching (google'ing to be precise) through various ways of hair re-growth for sometime now, since unfortunately, I’m one of the victims of hereditary hair loss and I have the chance of losing it too if I do not act now. I’ve been over and over these claims of preventing, and in some cases, regrowing the hair by the use of chemicals like Minoxidil, Saw Palmetto and the latest technology to thug people even further, the advanced laser comb(which I’ve heard hurts really bad). Not many know that none of the aforementioned ways work, and most of them are not even FDA approved. But, we still fall for such claims, well, what can we do when they target us showing our vulnerability can actually be covered with thick, shiny, healthy hair.

I’m nobody to shower you with advice, or claim how other methods helped me so far, but have we reaped the benefits of yoga and a good diet? Haven’t we already harmed our bodies enough by filling ourselves up with chemicals (thanks to Industrialization and de-forestation) that we further need to harm our body with expensive, painful techniques and procedures?!

Therefore, this is me, taking a pledge that I’d never buy another health magazine that depresses me further of not having a head full of thick, healthy, shiny hair like the cover model boasts of. As if using words like fat and ugly, or anorexic and too lean etc. to describe our beautiful bodies wasn't enough.

PS: Anybody complaining of overtly muscular men persuading you to buy protein shakes at every other page of another magazine?

Friday, February 5, 2010

The tale of the New Year

Happy New Year!!

This is coming 35 days after the new year actually began, but I can justify it by making lots of excuses (most common being "I've been reeaaallllly busy").

Excuse No. 1: Job Pressures
I was pushed to my limits (as you might have read in my previous post) all through December last year and loaded with more work in January as businesses welcomed the new year with more payments mixed with the post-festival-hangover, leading to duplications in their payments, making our work increase doublefold.

Excuse No. 2: Vacation...yippee
Okay, this was fun!! I was finally allowed to take an off from work for a week and I used that to visit Vrindavan again, with Bubu (I no more call him that, but just for your reference).

Excuse No. 3: Depression
Nothing new!! 2 major fights and no-talking-for-days later, I'm still seeing the same person, and yes, we again fought, and are in no talking terms now.

So, this being the first post of the year 2 O 1 O, I have decided to share with you my new year resolutions, which I've heard that 97% of the world's population break each year (a study conducted by a Canadian Homosexual blogger, Davey Wavey).
Here are mine, just 3 so I can stick to them:

Number 1.
The first and the most common one being, To Get Fit!!
I'm underweight by 10 Kilos, and I cannot find any time from my sh*&%y job, but I will somehow have to devise ways to make time for it.

Number 2.
To find a passion in life which I can use in order to earn my daily living.
You know now how much I love my current job.

Number 3.
To begin to love myself. How else would I expect others to love me? And how will I ever be happy?

Oh wait, could I also add "No Expectations" this year?!