Thursday, June 12, 2008

Lethargic, helpless..

With so much going on in my life right now since my exams ended(actually, I have just leisured all this while!!), I didn't find much time for anything. Anything is what all I had planned on doing after my exams.

Top priority was to begin with my gym routine again, but well, you could find that update in my Health Diary.
Second was throwing a surprise birthday party for someone which's fast approaching. When the exams were on, I constantly kept in touch with Nigella Lawson in Travel & Living as she made exotic fine dining stuff. And I'm not at all friends with the kitchen. I can hardly light the gas. And pulling off a 6 course meal would prove to be a Herculean task for me. I really need practice of these recipes for atleast a month before I can deliver a not so bad dinner party, but so far I have hardly come across any recipe that would interest me.
Third priority in the list was to re-invent myself. Okay, now the word screaming in your brains would be "LOSER", but I'm simply tired of looking tired and ****ed up! I really need a change in my dressing sense, some reading to improve my hold on the language I'm writing in, read more current affairs, and enroll myself with a course related to my field.
So far, I could not even decide which field I'm interested in.

I've realised I am going no where. I didn't do anything since my exams ended a month ago and I really need to buck up now, or else I'd only end up looking more skinny with no behind, gift a shabby b'day present(probably a book or a perfume....eeeooww, he deserves much better than that!) and keep posting write-ups with grammatical errors here and head no where.

I'm helpless!

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