Saturday, June 21, 2008

Deciphering "..."

With my tickets for Delhi confirmed(in 'Garib' 'Rath' for tomorrow) and kept for days and my shopping not at all complete for days, I went on a low-carbs-high-shopping diet today. Especially after seeing Bubu(my partner for the trip) fall sick to a liver problem, I started ignoring all the street-side food stalls, and kept my eyes open to find something good. All in vein(that is, I ended up eating all trash and didn't buy anything for myself), I went to my someone's place and the person in particular made wonderful dinner, after which I helped here and there. "Someone" has been mentioned in my second post and as I'd said, we had not exchanged those three golden words clearly yet. However, after some realisation that Bubu had packed all his belongings and had already hit the sack, and I had the entire packing to do and catch up on some sleep too, to prepare myself for the 18 hours journey, I decided to leave.

Once out, I received a text from my someone which read "..."! Now I remember when I'd said 'I love you' in a very careless way, I'd sent the message as "........". If I decrypted the message right, I should be shouting from the top of the roof right now! I couldn't control myself, but decided to reply in the same careless way,"... .", the fourth dot being "too", still thinking if I'm right. Was it 'I like you'?

Anyway, I headed home nervous whether I'd be able to complete all my work on time! I'm pretty excited about the trip. So, see you after 10 days, if Bubu's liver doesn't get in the way.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Lethargic, helpless..

With so much going on in my life right now since my exams ended(actually, I have just leisured all this while!!), I didn't find much time for anything. Anything is what all I had planned on doing after my exams.

Top priority was to begin with my gym routine again, but well, you could find that update in my Health Diary.
Second was throwing a surprise birthday party for someone which's fast approaching. When the exams were on, I constantly kept in touch with Nigella Lawson in Travel & Living as she made exotic fine dining stuff. And I'm not at all friends with the kitchen. I can hardly light the gas. And pulling off a 6 course meal would prove to be a Herculean task for me. I really need practice of these recipes for atleast a month before I can deliver a not so bad dinner party, but so far I have hardly come across any recipe that would interest me.
Third priority in the list was to re-invent myself. Okay, now the word screaming in your brains would be "LOSER", but I'm simply tired of looking tired and ****ed up! I really need a change in my dressing sense, some reading to improve my hold on the language I'm writing in, read more current affairs, and enroll myself with a course related to my field.
So far, I could not even decide which field I'm interested in.

I've realised I am going no where. I didn't do anything since my exams ended a month ago and I really need to buck up now, or else I'd only end up looking more skinny with no behind, gift a shabby b'day present(probably a book or a perfume....eeeooww, he deserves much better than that!) and keep posting write-ups with grammatical errors here and head no where.

I'm helpless!

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Sex and the Spoilers

I have finally discovered the recipe for making a wonderfully made movie appear "Oh, not so good".


  • 10 tbsp. Expectations,
  • 17 Online searches (Blogger, Youtube, Google finely chopped),
  • 14 Telephone calls to multiplexes,
  • Spoilers to taste.
    • The search engines in my computer in the past few days have searched nothing but "Sex and the City, The movie". I was so anxious to know how the movie was fairing, I searched every possible site to know a bit more about the same.
      "A bit more" never really came to an end. Bubu on the other hand was completely spoiler-phobic since the release of its trailer. So, I too tried to stick to the articles with '(No spoilers)' tag. They eventually gave away a few surprises from the movie!
      On 6th June, the official release date of the movie in India, I called up Bubu who didn't seem quite interested but after a few techniques of persuasion decided to come. I reached on time, so did he(quite unusual) and we went to the "First day, first show", as they say.The movie began with a bang, better than I'd expected, had a nice pace, intelligent writing, with

      Manolo's, Vogue, Vivien Westwood, Christian Lacroix/Dior, Cosmopolitan, and loads of collagen! It was good to see the writers being open about it too, Samantha said, "..Marriage, I'm not so sure, Botox on the other hand works all the time".

      I was satisfied, but somewhere in the middle I caught myself yawning. Everything about the characters seemed quite matured. And different. Carrie looked old, so did Big, Samantha looked, well, different from her usual crazy sex-maniac self. Charlotte was seen screaming at Big(Huh?), and one could find a lot of Bollywood drama, generally not found in a
      Sex and the City episode. Only Miranda and Steve were the ones whose lives were just the same, fighting and separating. Jennifer Hudson was like a breath of fresh air in the otherwise boring sequences. And so was Samantha's pooch!!

      I whispered to Bubu, "You know, the 27 minutes in an episode was better". His reply was, "Shut up, the movie's crazy, I'm loving it". And soon came the sudden realisation, a path breaking one, he had no idea what the movie had to offer, whereas I knew everything from whether Big and Carrie were ever to be married, who had a steamy bathroom scene, who shits her pants, who leaves who and comes back to NY.... everything.
      However, the movie ended fine, with everything happy and complete, and with Cosmopolitan of course. We loved it, and shaked a leg to "Labels or love", Fergie's voice to the OST.
      Shopping for labels, shopping for love
      Manolo and Louis, it’s all I’m thinking of...
      Love’s like a runway but which one do I love more
      No emotional baggage, just big bags filled with Dior...
      Relationships are often so hard to tame
      A Prada dress has never broken my heart before....

      Once out, We completed our outing with a Veg frankie, Lokhandwala ishtyle and with Bubu saying "Lets go again tomorrow". "Sure baby, lets do it again", surprised that I genuinely wanted to watch it again!

      So, here's what one should do to like this movie, read my post!
      Hehee... And think that you're going for a movie, not a 27 minute long episode.

      Monday, June 2, 2008

      To Sex or not to Sex!

      Movies and TV Series form a major and important part of my entertainment life. It might sound cheap reading this but growing up, I used to be very filmy, never cared to sort out the difference between reel life and real life. Many a times, my mother would catch me lost in my own world, mumbling something.
      Not that I cant live without them, but the world created in the big screen (by a few people) somehow takes me away from the pain in my life for a while. I get to live the lives of the characters in the movie and that is such a stress reliever, atleast for me.

      And living the lives of the characters brings me to 'Sex and the City' that took the small screen to a different level all together back in 1998. Someone might think what is it that people like so much about this particular show? What is it that the show has which others don't? Why does everybody just talk about it like its no taboo to talk about sex?
      The answer might be sex itself, the way women should openly talk about problems, speak up about subjects which are otherwise considered taboo!!
      Four amazingly beautiful and successful women not scared to ask for a f***. They don't care what the world thinks about their desires, no church telling them how much is enough and that that does not make them sluts, and whether they really need just any man by their side (as they're growing way older than the marriageable limit set by the married pigs and their she pigs) to validate the fact that they're happy or should they just stick to their Rabbits for a while. (You'll only know what I mean if you see the show or have used one in your own life.

      Kudos to Michael Patrick King(Writer, director), every gay/girl friend of mine wants to be like Carrie Bradshaw, the protagonist. I've come across women who still use the lines from the show at times which makes my dear friend Bubu say, "Get a new series, Love." The show was as someone rightly described, a cultural phenomena.
      By the way... Bubu happens to be my best friend, an amazingly good looking chap whose real name is Prateek Oberoi. When he opens his mouth, you will actually spot many similarities in his character and Samantha Jones' from the show. But spending more time with him, one could even see the manly, charming side of Big in him. He proudly calls me Bradshaw(as I think too much, and that now I have a blog here) which I don't like, but find it alright.

      After reading a number of bad reviews pouring in from everywhere about this most awaited movie of the year(atleast for me and Bubu's calender year 2008), I was a bit apprehensive about whether I should really spend on a movie which'd only sell a couple of Manolo's(Its a foot-wear brand, for the uninitiated), Dolce's and Colas for women and be a waste of time for us men.
      Discussing my scepticism with Bubu and whether I should really not go for advance booking, his response was, "No matter what anybody says, I'm going for this movie".
      "Now that's like a true friend, Samantha!!" Really wanted to hear that.
      Would keep you posted.

      Sunday, June 1, 2008

      Avil : Cure for Infidelity

      I can not help but remember the episode from Desperate Housewives where one of the housewives, Bree Van-De-Camp, a doting and faithful wife whose husband was killed after George, his chemist adulterated his medication with pills that contained high levels of Potassium so he could die a "Natural death" as George had developed feelings for Bree and could not have her with her husband in the picture. She was not party to it but got blamed for intoxicating her husband later.
      However, after the death scene and the 'life moves on'/'I think I really like you, Bree' scenes, one fine evening, Bree invites George over for Dinner and without further ado, George starts to kiss Bree, gets really wild and worked up, soon to find out Bree developing hives everywhere he's touched her(Eeeeeowwww!).

      Last night, I met someone. And my girl still doesn't know about this. Maybe she will, after she reads this. I thought if she could think of straying(Even though she's not my Girlfriend yet, officially), so could I. It was my first time since I met her.
      At 12 am, I meet Ms. X and we go to her apartment. "Without further ado", we undress......... and well, I really don't want moderators flagging my blog!
      I am fighting inside of me thinking this is not right, I am not doing the right thing, I don't belong here, I want to go home, should be sleeping now with both my brains at rest. Robbie Williams once said, God gave men two brains, but only enough blood to run one at a time!!
      Anyway, I try to ignore all my emotions of guilt/anger/regret and go for the slender plum cake served in front of me.................. soon to find my whole face red, small red welts spread all over my chest, shoulder and back. I tell her, "I don't know what I'm doing here". She turns to me and says, "Baby, you don't have to do anything you don't want to do".

      She gets up thinking what she would have at this hour to cure the hives.
      After thoroughly checking through her drawer, she comes back with a glass of water and a pill named Avil in her hand.
      "Honey, I think you should take a shower, you'd feel better".
      I get into the bathroom, my mind working faster than ever. Did Bree really feel what I was feeling? Did she try to suppress all those emotions running all over her head at that moment which led to the reaction? She loved her husband no doubt, she cared for him, even when he didn't care to return the same passion for her and slept with another neighbour who happened to give him what he wanted in bed.

      I took a shower, dissatisfied with the itching still on. She tells me, "Don't worry, you didn't get it from me. I'm sure your body's reacted to some food." I know what it is.
      She lays down at one end of the bed, me at another, discussing each other's relationship issues, both of us ignoring the fact that this's the last time we'd be seeing each other. The allergy subsides slowly.
      She wakes me up at 9 in the morning, I get dressed and begin to leave, "You're a good guy, she must be very lucky".
      "If I was that good, I wouldn't really be here hearing you say this." I felt the allergy under my Tee say hello again.

      I came home, thinking whether I should really call her and tell her what happened. That nothing really happened!! But as Carrie Bradshaw once opined, everything before 'I love you' just doesn't count.