Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Live it, Learn it

Honestly, I’ve run out of topics now. I don’t go out, I don’t watch TV, I don’t go for movies, working out is out of question and I have stopped reading completely. Usually that happens when you’ve broken up with someone. I happened to have got a job!!

This unfortunate incident happened the day I came back from Vrindavan(okay, Bubu and I went to Vrindavan again for the weekend early this month, but certain things that happened there are not commercially viable, so would keep at that) and received a call from some consultant informing me about a post open at Kotak Mahindra Bank. I didn’t care about the post, I was more concerned about the brand name, and went for the interview that very day. A few questions later(which to my surprise, came to know were all true), I was hired and told that I wont be on the bank’s payroll. I didn’t care again. Now, I am suffering.

Vandana, a dear friend of mine(clearly overstating ‘dear friend’), who got through in JP Morgan told me, these days banks do not employ plain graduates, they outsource the work to consultancies and therefore, no graduate is on the bank’s payroll. Which means, there would be no Offer letter from the bank, but from the consultancy. Now this’ something I fail to understand, will a graduate who thrives on his credit card for ‘impulse purchases’ and knows Grana Padano is not a car actually require a job with a bank that barely pays his monthly expenditure? We all join somewhere post-graduation for the name, the experience to show in our CV, but if we have to write we worked for some consultancy who served at a bank, what purpose does that serve us anyway?

I gave myself a deadline, a month here and I’m joining some course that will land me in a bank/company’s payroll. I never got to understand why I was never interested to do what others were/are still doing, MBA. A few of us don’t even know the full-form and want to do it!! Coming back to the topic, which I now realized I haven’t set in this post, I now declare myself satisfied with life. I have stopped complaining, I’m working, have an aim in life, I want to study, and it’s the first time I have told myself that in my 21 years old pathetic life.
Relationship side, it’s the same old story. But then, we get to read ‘happily ever after’s only in books, don’t we?

Job: Credit Processing Associate(CPA), Business Loans, Kotak Mahindra
Occupational Hazard: Sore eyes and continuous approvals from parents(even to not coming back home at nights).

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